• Ashwagandharishta 450ml Dhootapapeshwar

Buy Ashwagandharishta 450ml  From  Dhootapapeshwar On Ayurshop Ayurveda Store 

What does Ashwagandharishta 450ml Dhootapapeshwar do?

Ashwagandha the main ingredient of Ashwagandharishta which is excellent Balya, Vrushya, Rasayan and Saptadhatuposhak dravya. It enhances metabolism by increasing Dhatvagni. Promotes strength and vitality by reducing physical and mental debility, lethargy. Useful in Shukrakshaya, Napunsakata & Indriya shaithilya due to old age being Shukravardhak and Vrushya.

Ingredients : What is the Ingredients Ashwagandharishta 450ml Dhootapapeshwar?

 Ashwagandha 25 parts, Shweta musali 10 parts, Yashtimadhu, Vidari each 5 parts, Manjishtha, Haritaki each 5 parts, Haridradvaya each 5 parts, Rasna, Musta each 5 parts, Arjun, Trivrutta each 4 parts, Duralabha 4 parts, Chitrak, Vacha 4 parts, Shwetachandan 4 parts, Rakta Chandan 4 parts, Sariva 8 parts, Dhataki Pushpa 8 parts, Madhu 150 parts, Priyangu 2 parts,Nagkeshar 1 part, Guda Q.S., Prakshepa Dravya, Trijata each 2 parts, Trikatu each 1 part


Indications : For What Indications Ashwagandharishta 450ml Dhootapapeshwar Can be Used?

 Karshya, Napunsakata, Shukrakshaya, Physical, Mental and Nervine debility, Vatavikar, Moorchha, Bhrama, Shirahshoola, loss of memory, restlessness, Unmada, Agnimandya, Senile debility


Dosage : What is the dosage Of dosage  Ashwagandharishta 450ml  From  Dhootapapeshwar

 2 to 4 tsf (10 to 20 ml) 2 times a day with equal quantity of lukewarm water

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Ashwagandharishta 450ml Dhootapapeshwar

  • Rs. 220.00