• Panchavalkala Kwatha 100ml Univa Medica

Buy Panchavalkala Kwatha 100ml From Univa Medica On Ayurshop Ayurveda Store 

Indications : For What Indications Panchavalkala Kwatha 100ml Univa Medica Can be used?

For What Indications Panchavalkala Kwatha 100ml From Univa Medica ?

For vruna prakshalana. Accelerates healing of cuts, wounds , abrasions and inflammatory conditions. Other indications include skin and soft tissue infection (Fungal, Bacterial and mixed). Effective in Yonivyapath  and Arshas .

Contra indications: Nil

Usage Instrucations : How to Use Panchavalkala Kwatha 100ml Univa Medica?

It is especially useful for wound cleaning to facilitate healing. Patients are advised Pancha Valkala Kwatha Sitz bath/Tub bath to relieve pain and swellings in ano-rectal disorders. Vaginal douche with Pancha Valkala Kwatha is beneficial in Vulvo-vaginitis. Pancha Valkala Kwatha can be used as a regular face wash and for gargling. For external use only.


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Panchavalkala Kwatha 100ml Univa Medica

  • Brand: Univa Medica
  • Product Code: 100ml
  • Availability: In Stock
  • Rs. 110.00