• Anu Taila 10ml Sri Sri Ayurveda

Buy Anu Taila 10ml Sri Sri Ayurveda On Ayurshop Ayurveda Store

What does  Anu Taila 10ml Sri Sri Ayurveda  do?

Anu Taila is tridoshashamaka, anti-inflammatory and gives strength to the nerves. It is useful in Vata, Pitta, Khapha imbalances as it balances the tridosha. It is an effective formulation, which nourishes and strengthens all the five sense organs - ears, eyes, nose, tongue and throat. It is used in the treatment of headache, hair fall, premature graying of hair, migraines and diseases related to the five sense organs. It is also helpful in balancing the hormone producing glands in the head and neck area.

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Anu Taila 10ml Sri Sri Ayurveda

  • Rs. 80.00

Tags: Nasal Drops